Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Great parent involvement

Alruwad International School is fortunate to have strong parental involvement. Here is a photo just before morning assembly starts.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

School Opening Assembly

Alruwad International School opened its doors for the first time ever today. We opened with an assembly that featured one very entertaining magician!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

University of Lethbridge

Here is a photo of the Parent Orientation Session at the school tonight. There are 12 U/L Faculty of Education graduates plus three PS III I terns on the stage here in Muscat. Dr. Pamela Adams is currently here supporting the PS IIIs & consulting on the school opening.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Parent Drop In Sessions

The school opened today with parent drop in sessions with the teachers!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Staff Team Work

Despite language and cultural differences the staff is learning to work effectively in collaboration.

Omani National Anthem

Each school day starts with the Omani National Anthem in a school assembly. Here our talented Arabic staff is teaching the song and movements to the rest of the staff.

Great Staff

The school is blessed with a great staff that has teaching background, nationalities, and experiences from close to two dozen countries. Over 20 of our teachers are from Canada!