Thursday, June 27, 2013

Date Season

It is fresh date season here in the Middle East. Here is a photo of ripening dates right on the tree. Fresh dates with coffee makes for a tasty experience!

School Uniforms

Alruwad International School has now selected the school uniforms for next year. Thanks to Ms. Muna & Ms. Zainab for their diligence & expertise in working on this important component of the school. Here is a picture of them displaying the samples.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Teachers Needed-Last Call

Alberta Certified teachers are needed for the 2013-14 school year. We have had an amazing response from our community & had to close registrations with waiting lists at every grade level. Interested teachers can send their resume attention Dave Adams at this email address:
Today's picture features the current crop that is maturing & ready for harvest-DATES!
Fresh dates are absolutely delicious & go great with a cup of strong black coffee.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Alberta Curriculum & Resources

Alruwad International School will feature Alberta curriculum infused with Arabic Language Arts, Islamic Studies, and Oman History. Here some of the talented central office staff display some of the Alberta resources that have arrived.Seated are Ms Zainab and Mr Abdulraqib. Standing are Ms. Muna  & Mr. Ahmed.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Interactive Boards

Interactive Boards will be installed in each classroom plus the school will have two portable units as well. Here is a picture of the product with a message from our CEO Dr. Ghailan to the incoming staff to open the school in September.

Sunday, June 23, 2013


The gymnasium continues to take shape. Here is a view looking towards the stage. Gymnasiums here are also called Assembly Halls because of their multi purpose usage. Flooring will be installed once the AC is fully functioning.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Teachers Needed for 2013-14 School Year

Alruwad International School has had overwhelming enrolments & now require more Alberta certified teachers. AIS is a Alberta curriculum school located in the beautiful city of Muscat which is the capital of Oman. Muscat is western friendly, safe, and has a population of over 1 million people. Check out our website and Facebook page for more info, and we offer a very competitive international teaching package. Interested candidates can contact the principal Dave Adams for details by email at:
Here is a picture of the school's Kindergarten pool.

Interior Hallway

The interior of the building is nearing completion. Here is a picture of an interior hallway. We just need to have the AC operational & then we can start to install the flooring.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Alberta Education Visit

Many thanks to Karen Slevinsky from Alberta Education for her accreditation visit to Muscat last week. We greatly appreciate the support from the good people at the Ministry of Education in Oman and Alberta which is part of what makes Alruwad International School such an unique project.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Teachers Needed

Alruwad International School has experienced increased enrolments & we need to hire four more teachers . If interested please check out the school website:
Here is a photo of some of our awesome parents from a meeting last week.

School Update

Here is an updated photo of the school.

Parent Meeting

Here is a picture from out first parent meeting.


Sorry but having problems loading pictures to this blog spot. Trying to get it rectified. Thank you for your patience.